C-Suite Advisors > Legal

Intellectual Property

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Real Regulation of NFT Art and Commerce in the Metaverse

NFTs remain a legal anomaly with several recent litigations. IP law will have to step in eventually.
By Marina Lang | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

Branding and Innovation in the Cannabis Industry

Intellectual property opportunity and risk.
By Marina Lang | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

The Role of Copying in Innovation

Should the US complain about forced intellectual property transfers in China?
By Steven C. Sereboff, Esq. | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

Brands Without Borders

Marina Lang discusses how can companies doing business globally protect their most important asset–their...
By Marina Lang | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

Intellectual Property Fundamentals for Startup Investments

The danger signs and myths that angels and accredited investors should be mindful of when examining...
By Steven C. Sereboff, Esq. | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

New Opportunities and New Worries in Online Branding

Get ready for thousands of .com alternates
By Steven C. Sereboff, Esq. | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

The Death of Business Method Patents

Beginning in the late 1990s smart businesses commonly protected their innovative business methods with...
By Steven C. Sereboff, Esq. | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

Startup Weekend

Examining the growing impact of the startup culture – and startup events – is having on the Southern...
By Steven C. Sereboff, Esq. | SoCal IP Law Group LLP

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