The late Dr. Jerry Buss created a climate of success, crafting his brand with vision, yet entrusting those he hired to grow to their full potential. In the industries that encompass Sports & Entertainment, evolution is rapid and change constant. Moving forward as the world turns is essential but so too is remembering who you are and from whence you came. This year’s NextGen 10, whether working their way up the ranks of network television or revolutionizing the in-arena dining experience, have taken a page out of Dr. Buss’ playbook and are scoring early and often.
Residence NYC and Santa Monica
Personal Passions Golf, music festivals, startups, travel
Greatest Lesson Learned Hard-working people give themselves more chances to be lucky.
Mentors My father
Big Break Launching at Madison Square Garden this past November; today we serve 18,000 fans nightly.
Company Most Admired Uber
Advice I follow a slogan my grandfather used: DTRT – “Do The Right Thing.” It has served me well in the long term.
On the Horizon Closing a second round of financing, led by a top management company, an NBA All-Star, and various venture groups
What Makes LA Great I love LA for its weather, culture, and constant live event calendar.
Brand Allies & Related Garments
Residence West Hollywood
Projects/Clients Tequila Avión, Perrier Jouët, GUESS, Ello Gum, Stack Wines
Personal Passions Traveling, music festivals, yoga, fashion, food & wine/spirits
Greatest Lesson Learned If you have the opportunity at work to wear a variety of hats, wear them all and figure out which one fits you the best
Mentors Rick Faigin at PMK.BNC and Larry Greifer at Luxury Management Group
Big Break An internship at BNC that blossomed into a full-time position
Company Most Admired HBO
Advice Make an effort to meet a new person each day with an open mind.
What Makes LA Great LA is the epicenter of the entertainment industry and ignites the entrepreneurial spirit.
Agent & Executive
Residence Los Angeles
Personal Passions Family and friends, traveling, food, wine, golf
Greatest Lesson Learned If there’s anything you want in life, you have to get it the old-fashioned way—earn it.
Mentors My parents, David Rone, Christy Haubegger
Big Break Having the opportunity to join CAA Sports in its “start-up” phase
Company Most Admired TOMS
Advice Life is short. Allow your passions to drive the way you live, both both business and your personal life, and happiness will follow.
Next Step Continue to develop new and innovative business opportunities that benefit CAA Sports and its clients.
What Makes LA Great Access to whatever intrigues you, the weather, the culture, and geographic diversity
Talent Agent
United Talent Agency
Residence Los Angeles
Projects/Clients Colin Hanks (Fargo), Patrick J. Adams (Suits), Jake Johnson (New Girl), Skylar Astin (Pitch Perfect)
Personal Passions Travel, culinary explorations, skiing, family, my dog (and animal rescue), volunteer work
Greatest Lesson Learned That they call it Show “Business” for a reason; this is an amazing industry that I feel so fortunate to be a part of, but at the end of the day, we can’t forget that it’s still a business.
Mentors My grandfather; [UTA Managing Director] Jay Sures; [former UTA Partner] Sue Naegle; [former UTA Co-founder] Gary Cosay
Big Break Jay and Sue hiring me in the mailroom at the end of my 2nd interview
What Makes LA Great The culinary scene for sure. LA is home to some of the most cutting-edge and phenomenal restaurants and chefs (Maude, Trois Mec, Providence, the list is endless). And the television industry is here, too!
President & Co-owner
Residence Beverly Hills
Projects/Clients LA’s own Arena Football League team, LA KISS
Personal Passions Running, cooking, attending live events, wine
Greatest Lesson Learned You’ve got to be willing to fail to succeed.
Mentors Michael Young (CRO at the LA Dodgers); Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons
Big Break Getting the opportunity to work for John Elway and Michael Young with the AFL’s Colorado Crush
Company Most Admired Uber
Advice Sometimes the road less traveled is the road best traveled. Take pride in your shoes.
Next Steps A 10-episode docu-series on the making of LA KISS (to air on AMC in August)
What Makes LA Great Expectations are high
Founder & Managing Director
Park Lane
Residence Pacific Palisades and Malibu
Projects Selling NFL, MLB, and NHL teams; launching Force of Nature (series created by Laird Hamilton)
Personal Passions Collecting art, fitness, outdoors
Greatest Lesson Learned Family is #1
Mentors E. Eric Johnson, Barry Siegel, Warren Woo
Big Break Getting drafted to play in the NFL in 2000 by the St. Louis Rams
Company Most Admired U.S. Navy SEALs
Advice Teamwork, Integrity, and Prioritizing
On the Horizon Investing in sports-based businesses
What Makes LA Great There is no limit to what you can do here … Nobu Malibu is awesome, too.
Founder & President
Media RED
Residence Los Angeles
Projects NBC’s upcoming SPACE RACE with Richard Branson/Virgin Galactic, H2 network’s Black Market, PIVOT network’s Laughing Matters.
Personal Passions Family, friends, food and travel
Greatest Lesson Learned “Be kind. Give love. Stay humble. Keep perspective.” – Mom
Mentors Mark Burnett, Richard Branson, J.D. Roth, Mike Duffy, David Eilenberg, Simon Andreae, Ferris Bueller
Big Break Forbes’ 30 Under 30 List
Company Most Admired Apple
What Makes LA Great The energy, the excitement, the weather
SVP, Programming
Residence CBS
Projects/Clients Daytime programming at CBS
Personal Passions Spending time with family, traveling, and exploring other cultures
Greatest Lesson Learned Surround yourself with talented and creative people, then empower them.
Mentors Nina Tassler, Chairman of CBS Entertainment; David Stapf, President of CBS Television Studios
Big Break I was hired 64 days before the premiere of The Talk. Getting CBS’ first talk show off the ground and on-air in such a short period of time meant the stakes were very high.
Company Most Admired CBS
Advice Passion is key to success and success doesn’t come without sacrifice.
What Makes LA Great People are willing to take chances.
Executive Vice President, Digital Networks
Cinedigm Entertainment
Residence Los Angeles, CA
Projects The Docurama Channel, The Comic Con Network, ‘ConTV
Personal Passions Technology, film & television, hiking, spending time with friends and family
Greatest Lesson Learned Follow your instincts; they’re your best compass.
Mentors My father & grandfather, Steve Savage, Chris McGurk
Big Break Working as a gofer for a film ad agency as a teenager
Company Most Admired Google
Advice Success is figuring out what the three most important things you need to do each day are and finishing them first.
On the Horizon Continuing to expand Cinedigm’s portfolio of online streaming servicesz
What Makes LA Great The boundless optimism and enthusiasm of its residents

Greg Propper
Propper Daley: A Social Impact Agency
Residence Los Angeles; West Hollywood
Projects/Clients Tobey Maguire, John Legend, The Clinton Foundation, The Walt Disney Company, Holly Robinson Peete, New Profit, Got Your 6
Mentors My father, Richard Propper; Alan Khazei, Co-Founder of City Year and Be the Change, Inc. (Propper); The late Congressman Joe Moakley and Peggy Callahan, Co-Founder, Free the Slaves (Daley)
Big Break Our first celebrity client. (Propper) Becoming a spokesperson on the presidential campaign of then-Senator Hillary Clinton. (Daley)
Company Most Admired Teach For America (Propper); Youth Villages (Daley)
Advice “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
On the Horizon A revolutionary tool for parents of children with learning and attention issues:
What Makes LA Great The number of people who make a living here simply by using their imagination

Mark Daley