“Taming Nature” by Kenton Nelson
Kenton Nelson’s work is the product of an idealized view of American life that takes one back to the Works Progress Administration artists of the 1930s. He depicts a regionalism that is distinctly Californian, heavily influenced by his great uncle, the renowned Mexican muralist and modernist Roberto Montenegro. Stop the presses: Having graced the cover image for five issues of The New Yorker, Nelson’s works are garnering notice.

Oil on canvas
36” x 36”
“The Gathering” by John Pierce
Michigan native John Pierce (1938-2009) served his country as a photographer’s mate in the Navy. He attended Brooks School of Photography in Santa Barbara and eventually ventured west to San Francisco (circa 1967-72 and 1975-77), where he began to unlock his understanding of space and dimension, becoming a master of visual perspective. In “The Gathering,” produced during his Santa Barbara years (1992-2002), Pierce captured much of what is loved about nature in a way few others can; blending the elements of the sky, the water, and in the habitants of both into one living, breathing snapshot of time.

20” x 30”
“I Am The Egg!”; Lady #2 by Karrie Ross
Running an award-winning graphic-design business on the side, Karrie Ross creates art that is as playful and fun as it is a metaphorical representation of a bigger whole. Her work invites you to experience her energy in each creation, invoking her belief that there is fun to be found in everything we do. Her art takes you back to her childhood days of making mud pies, following ants, and braiding weed crowns–and who doesn’t want to feel young again?

Oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink, collage on arches hot press paper
30” x 22”
“Biodiversity #15” by Hiroko Yoshimoto
A rising star in the Los Angeles Art scene, Hiroko Yoshimoto’s third museum solo exhibition, “Biodiversity” (shown March 2014 at Carnegie Art Museum of Oxnard), was one of the venue’s highest-attended exhibitions. Her most recent collection features vibrant colors and abstract style that will brighten the walls of any serious art collector’s abode, while invoking thoughts on nature’s heterogeneity in the face of the destruction caused by human hands.

Oil on canvas
40” x 86”