
Connect With Lisa:

Lisa deSouza '13 C-Suite Advisor Since 2013

President & CEO | RPM Demand


Lisa deSouza, Founder & CEO of RPM Demand, is a 15-year veteran digital marketer and content producer. She has worked as a marketing consultant for numerous large corporations such as Tommy Hilfiger, SAP, Medtronic, and TouchCommerce. As a result, Lisa has amassed experience in high-level strategy, marketing (both e-commerce and traditional), new product development, as well as extensive knowledge of sales processes, branding, customer experience, project management, and a strong understanding of cutting-edge web technologies. RPM Demand provides sophisticated strategic marketing and sales insight to companies across all industries. RPM specializes in Sales Enablement as well as Demand Generation, which is the art and science of creating, nurturing, and managing a buyer’s interest in a company’s products and services.

Thought Leadership By Lisa:

It Takes a Village

Coming together to build a unified community creates far-reaching positive effects for us all
By Lisa deSouza | RPM Demand