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The Montgomery Summit 2015

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March 2015 - March 2015

Keynote Speakers Evan Spiegel, Patrick Soon-Shiong, Andy Jassy
Awards & Honorees Heal, a startup that calls itself the Uber for doctors, won $100,000 in Moneyball, a real-life Shark Tank experience that put three founders in front of a panel of expert VCs to pitch their company.
Lead Sponsor Macquarie Capital
Highlights The invitation-only conference attracted more than 1,000 leading innovators and investors from top-tier venture capital firms. The Summit featured presentations from 150 private growth technology companies in some of the hottest industries today.
Event Photographer Jake Caumeran; Jake.caumeran@gmail.com
Event Contact Stephanie Harnett; sharnett@olmsteadwilliams.com, 310/824.9000
